Next week, November 28, is Giving Tuesday — a global day of giving and generosity. Giving Tuesday is a day to lift up the things you value — the things you care about — the things that rely on an engaged community to thrive. It's an important day for a lot of us. WFIU is proud to be one of the organizations taking part. We encourage you to not only support WFIU but also the other local nonprofits working toward positive change.
The organizations below are all part of Community Minute, a WFIU public service program created to provide a connection between WFIU listeners and non-profit services and organizations in south central Indiana. New Community Minute PSAs are recorded quarterly. Contact the station for more information.
All-Options uses direct service and social change strategies to promote unconditional, judgment-free support for people in all of their decisions, feelings, and experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption.
Beacon is a vital, leading, compassionate 501(c)(3) organization that aids and empowers those experiencing need with a full range of support services to reduce hunger, poverty, and homelessness in the communities Beacon serves.
Bloomington Developmental Learning Center
BDLC uses a play-based curriculum focused on developing students in various academic disciplines from literacy and the arts to science, technology, and math. BDLC also focuses on children’s social-emotional development and uses the Conscious Discipline model for classroom management to empower students with safe spaces for self-regulation.
Founded in 1973, the Bloomington Meals on Wheels program provides medically-tailored meals to homebound people who are unable to cook for themselves due to chronic illness, disability, injury, or advanced age. Meals on Wheels ensures that their clients receive two nutritious meals per day, delivered by a friendly visitor.
Bloomington Montessori School's mission is to guide students from self-discovery to global citizenship through Montessori education.
Catholic Charities Bloomington is dedicated to the enhancement of the dignity and functioning of all persons in the community at large through education, social services delivery, and advocacy.
City of Bloomington Leaf Management
The City of Bloomington is partnering with local company Civic Champs to use their volunteer matching platform called "Helping Hands" to pair residents needing help managing their leaves with residents who can help them.
Community Kitchen of Monroe County
Community Kitchen's mission is to work alone and in collaboration with others to eliminate hunger in Monroe County and surrounding areas through direct service, education, and advocacy.
Conservation Law Center's mission is to provide legal counsel without charge to conservation organizations, work to improve conservation law and policy, and offer law students clinical experience in the practice of law and the profession’s public service tradition.
HealthNet (Bloomington Health Center)
HealthNet provides compassionate health care and support services, regardless of ability to pay. They offer healthcare to support healthier people, families, and communities.
Healthy Families Indiana is a voluntary evidence-based home visitation program that is designed to promote healthy families and healthy children through a variety of services including child development, access to health care, and parent education.
Crisis Line: 812-336-0846
Admin: 812-333-7404
Middle Way House works to support all survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking and educates the community through outreach and prevention programs.
Monroe County Identify and Reduce Invasive Species
MC-IRIS works with landowners, educators, researchers, and agencies all over the county to protect diverse natural areas from invasive species.
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard works to increase access to healthy food in ways that cultivate dignity, agency, and community.
Opportunity House is a volunteer-run, non-profit resale store that sells merchandise donated by community members. Proceeds from Opportunity House benefit Monroe County United Ministries (MCUM), which provides full-time childcare for preschool children, a summer camp for children ages 6-12, and assistance for Monroe County residents with financial need.
Sing for Joy Choir and Song Circle
The Sing for Joy! community choir and song circle are designed for the interests and abilities of senior citizens. The group is open to the public and all are welcome.
Tandem Community Birth Center & Postpartum House
Tandem's mission is to improve perinatal outcomes by trusting patients, increasing options for care, and challenging the status quo.
Women Writing for (a) Change of Bloomington
Women Writing for (a) Change's mission is to create safe and inspiring learning opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue the art of writing as a tool for growth and change.