Join us on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25, for these holiday specials:
Every Good Thing
9am on WFIU
Host Andrea Blain and classical music fans from all around the country take some time to give thanks and celebrate one of life's most meaningful gifts: music. It's "Every Good Thing"—an hour of stories and music to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Giving Thanks
10am to 12pm on WFIU
Giving Thanks sounds the way Thanksgiving feels: inviting, warm, and festive. It’s a contemporary, thoughtful celebration of the spirit of the holiday. Special guests Stanley Tucci and Naomi Shihab Nye join our Thanksgiving table, and music from Eric Whitacre, Bach, Copland, and more complete the scene.
Turkey Confidential
1pm to 3pm on WFIU2
Join us for The Splendid Table’s annual Thanksgiving show. Francis Lam takes calls and comes to the rescue of Thanksgiving cooks, kitchen helpers, and inner guests during the biggest cooking day of the year.
Just You & Me – Annual Tribute to Hoagy Carmichael
3pm to 5pm on WFIU
Join David Brent Johnson for his annual tribute to Bloomington’s own jazz icon Hoagy Carmichael, whose birthday is November 22.
Harmonia – Songs of Thanks and Praise
8pm on WFIU
Sample music of Thanksgiving in early America, including music from Spanish settlers in Florida, the Moravians in North Carolina, and from the father of American Choral music. We’ll even hear music brought to the new world by the passengers on the Mayflower.