Happy holidays from all of us at WTIU! This season we know it's important to stay home, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy holiday traditions, food and music from around the world. Here is our curated list of the best holiday shows available to stream now, all for free!
No membership is required to watch these holiday shows. Just click the links and press play. Or better yet, find them in the free PBS video app for your Roku, Apple TV, Samsung Smart TV, Fire TV, phone or tablet. Enjoy!

Good Night Garden, Sweet Winter Dreams
Winter Edibles & Winter Garden Prep
Backyard Farmer: Winter & Critter Damage
Groundcovers & Fall and Winter Weed Control
Modern Gardener: Winter Pruning
Backyard Farmer: Moving Plants Indoors for Winter
Winter Lawn Prep & Pond Maintenance
Modern Gardener: Cold Frames with Ashley Patterson
You Bet Your Garden: Perpetual Peppers

¡COLORES!: Christmas Bird Count
It's Okay to Be Smart: The Dinosaur On Your Thanksgiving Table
How Did Edison Invent Christmas Lights?
Deep Look: Identical Snowflakes? Scientist Ruins Winter For Everyone
Should Santa Wear a Flame Retardant Suit?
The REAL Rudolph Has Bloody Antlers and Super Vision
NOVA: How Fast Does Santa Fly?
What’s The Hottest Hot and Coldest Cold?
How to Make the Best Cheap Hot Cocoa Possible
The Strange (Unexpected) Reason Ice is Slippery
Burning Ice from the Ocean Floor