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Moment of Indiana History

Posts tagged DePauw University

September 17, 2012


Butler’s First President

In Samuel Hoshour's first teaching position at Wayne County Seminary, his pupils included governor-to-be Oliver P. Morton, and the future author of Ben Hur.

May 21, 2012


The Hoosier Boyhood Of A U.S. Senator

During his career in the U.S. Congress, Thomas became known as an advocate for working men and women—his empathy no doubt informed by his own Indiana boyhood.

December 27, 2010


The Forests’ Friend

The legacy of Indiana’s first state forester includes a piece of legislation that kept the forests from retreating even farther.

October 25, 2010


American Gothic…the Nicholson-Rand House

A Gothic-Revival tour de force, the Nicholson-Rand House could serve as the archetype of the haunted house.

January 18, 2010


Ringmaster of the Air

Now known as the Indianapolis International Airport, the facility used to bear the name of the WW1 flying legend known as the original dive bomber.

April 13, 2009


Littler Fives

In college towns across Indiana, spring colors include the bright jerseys of determined-looking bike riders thronging the streets. An annual spring cycling event on the Indiana University-Bloomington campus that began as a fundraiser for working college students has gained national renown thanks to the beloved 1979 film Breaking Away . Inspired by the Indianapolis 500 […]

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