Nashville Municipal Consultant, Dax Norton (Zoom)
Nashville Municipal Consultant Dax Norton joins us through social media to talk about Brown County's COAD group, the county's pandemic hotline, how small tourist shops can get financial help, and county coronavirus testing efforts.
On this week’s installment of Ask The Mayor, Nashville's Norton addresses these issues and more. Listen to the full conversation with Indiana Newsdesk anchor Joe Hren by clicking on the play button above, or read some of the questions and answers below. A portion of this segment airs 6:45 and 8:45 a.m. Wednesday on WFIU.
This conversation has been edited for clarity and conciseness.
Hren: Last time we talked, you told us about the Brown County COAD group that's formed to help the county during this pandemic. I went to one of their meetings and it was really interesting to see all the different parts, all the different officials that are coming together to get the resources to where they're most needed. Going into about a month of this, have those resources and needs shifted at all or are they on the same trajectory?
Norton: I think they're on the same trajectory. They do have a website, BrownCountyCOAD.com and they have a hotline, which I think is very important for people to know and that's 812-988-0001. It looks like they've logged over 150 calls. If you're concerned about possibly having the virus and have symptoms, you can call this number. They'll get you where you need to go and answer multiple questions.
They delivered over 700 meals, or 21 boxes of commodities to folks, served 160 families in three hours in a pop up pantry. So this group is an amazing group doing amazing things. Part of this is a new initiative from the Community Foundation in Brown County. But joining us is the Rapid Response Fund to help with the COVID-19 pandemic locally. If you'd like to donate to that fund, information can be found at BrownCountyGives.org and if you'd like to donate by text, it's "togetherbc" to 44321.

Hren: I see we have at least today - of course, this changes 14 positive cases one death, but 52 tested. Are you concerned too about those who need tests are getting tested in Brown County?
Norton: I haven't heard personally from the council, or anyone in the county yet that there has been an issue with getting a test if you need a test. So I think what Brown County has done, Nashville included, as they've done a very good job with social distancing and being concerned about those that may not be following those guidelines.
READ MORE: Local Officials Want Governor To Close Brown Co. State Parks
Hren: We did a story on how Commissioner Diana Biddle asked the governor to close the state properties there. You have people coming from all over especially with the weather now starting to warm up and you have a smaller town. It's a tourist town, but it's closed, and resources were being used up. Last I checked there were some restrictions at Brown County state park but is this still weighing on a locals there?
Norton: Yeah, I think it does weigh on locals. I have not heard if the remedies the governor came up with - if they've worked, limiting the campsite and campground, close shelters, close some trails. I do believe that has made some kind of dent in that issue. But we do have beautiful sunny weather coming up, that would be a concern and that will be paid close attention to.
Hren: Is the state monitoring the parks there?
Norton: I do not know the answer to that question.

Hren: You were talking about the meals being provided and I got drawn into how the schools are providing meals to kids, having pickups at the school and also now in these days of e-learning how important rural broadband is - that's not something you can solve overnight.
Norton: It will forever be on the list of things to do. I think what this is showing us all is the conversation is starting to be widely discussed nationwide, is should broadband infrastructure being viewed just like highway vehicular infrastructure, should we start to make this a public infrastructure conversation and, this has brought that to the forefront.
READ MORE: Brown Co. Schools Working On Alternate Learning Methods During Closure
Hren: What are the other challenges right now?
Norton: I think that the biggest challenges are what we don't see ahead of us. Those are economic. Obviously, we still want to stay focused on people's health and well-being right now. But there's going to be long term economic issues, especially as it relates to food and beverage tax distribution, you know, what was budgeted for the year we're gonna have to take a look at those numbers and pull back a little bit small business.
Obviously, there's a there's a federal issue there with money running out, and we're looking at different things that we could do locally to help, you know, a county that's driven by small business.
One thing that I think the county and the town have both done is applied for some Office of Community Rural Affairs dollars $250,000 they ask, and that money will be used to create low interest forgivable loan programs locally for those businesses, which will supplement anything that's happening on the federal level, and so those applications have been sent off.
Other things have been discussed anywhere from taking existing monies and turning some of those for grant programs locally. Existing monies could be economic development, taxes, food and beverage taxes, but just creative thoughts from multiple different people to try to find ways to help those small business owners in Nashville, Brown County. Then paying attention to local income taxes, how will that have an effect long term on the rest of the 2020 budget, going into 2021. So essentially making sure that government has the right amount of cash flow to continue to provide very good services and efficient services.
READ MORE: Commissioners Provide Temporary Loan For Brown County Music Center Mortgage
Hren: Are there other city departments that are worried about funding right now?
Norton: I'm not necessarily worried about funding so much as it is a concern about long term funding. Know that utilities are also on top of our mind because some businesses or people can't pay their full water sewer bill. If they can't, how do we, number one assist them. And number two, that's a revenue shortfall. The utilities have to buy a product and then deliver that product. So there are operating costs that happen usually prior to the billing. So we have to pay close attention to what revenues are now coming in, what the budget was for the utilities, how to rebudget.
We go through a budgeting process in the middle of a budget cycle, which usually doesn't have to happen. And then determine do we have enough cash flow coming in to maintain the operations of the utility. And if not, what do you do then? There are some items that we've talked about, maybe going to the federal government asking for a forbearance on any loans.
Hren: Anything else today?
Norton: Just hang in there. How proud everyone is of the county and how well they've come together, follow the guidelines, made sacrifices and hang in there. We're all doing everything we can for the residents. Businesses will get the help they need to continue on in the future.
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