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Greene County Jail Expansion Officially Underway

County officials outline features of the Greene County jail expansion during groundbreaking event.

Greene County broke ground on a nearly a $15 million expansion of its jail today.

The project will bring more 200 additional beds to the facility, which routinely struggles with overcrowding.

Sheriff Mike Hasler says he understands why citizens might be hesitant to invest in such a project, but says safety is his top priority.

"This year I was at a point where I was well over 100 inmates.  I have an operational capacity of 68," Hessler says he,  "has a total capacity of 84.  You have to have some sort of space where you can move inmates that are not behaving well."

The new facility will be funded with a combination of bonds, a tax increase, and savings.

Hasler says he is not opposed to investing in other areas, like mental health and crime prevention tactics, but the need to expand the jail is his top priority.

The new facility is expected to be operational sometime in 2019.

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