
Education, From The Capitol To The Classroom

What Kenley’s Retirement May Mean For Education Funding

    Sen. Kenley, R-Noblesville,  will retire in September. He was a leader in crafting budgets.

    Sen. Kenley, R-Noblesville, will retire in September. He was a leader in crafting budgets. (photo credit: Bill Shaw/Indiana Public Broadcasting)

    The future of education legislation at the Statehouse could change with Senate budget architect Luke Kenley retiring this fall.

    As one of the people in charge of crafting the state budget, Kenley is known for being frugal and a moderate voice when it comes to financial choices in a Republican super majority.

    This was something Indiana State Teacher’s Association president Teresa Meredith says she valued in Kenley. As many Republicans wanted more funding for the school voucher program, Kenley wanted to take it slow with any expansion, something Meredith says she hopes his replacement will emulate.

    “That they would be very careful about moving forward with any expansion of any line item, and that it would be given a lot of thought,” Meredith says. 

    Betsy Wiley is the President of the Institute for Quality Education, which advocates for school choice initiatives. She says she wants to see the entire legislature, as well as Kenley’s replacement, continue to expand vouchers.

    “The legislature is dedicated to the program and has been dedicated to the program since its passage in 2011, and will continue to do that,” Wiley says.

    Kenley will officially retire Sept. 30. There’s no timetable on when Senate leaders will choose a new Appropriations Committee chair.



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