
Education, From The Capitol To The Classroom

The Daily Report Card: Better Teachers, Reverse Transfers, And Science Majors

    In The Classroom Today:

    Our view: Attract would-be teachers – Post-Tribune Most reforms to the Indiana education system were designed to increase competition for the best students and teachers. In the short-term, however, it appears a side effect will force the Indiana Department of Education to compete with its own reputation, which current teachers say is less than sterling. The Associated Press recently reported that colleges across Indiana are seeing drops in the number of education majors this fall. (

    Ind. voucher program leads to reverse transfers Indiana’s new private school voucher law has prompted some parents to pull their children out of private schools and put them in public schools for a year so that they can become eligible for the state-funded program. About $16 million in state money is being used to pay for nearly 4,000 students to attend private schools under the voucher program that started this fall. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Fort Wayne gained 24 students from the voucher program this fall. But Principal Rob Sordelet told The Journal Gazette ( ) that 15 students were withdrawn to spend a year in public schools and then return. (

    Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard) – LAST FALL, President Obama threw what was billed as the first White House Science Fair, a photo op in the gilt-mirrored State Dining Room. He tested a steering wheel designed by middle schoolers to detect distracted driving and peeked inside a robot that plays soccer. It was meant as an inspirational moment: children, science is fun; work harder. (


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