Morning Bell: ‘I Think Indiana Made A Bad Mistake’ In Voting Bennett Out, Kline Says

Kyle Stokes / StateImpact Indiana
The U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Postelection, Kline Talks ESEA Renewal, Fiscal Cliff, and Bipartisanship – On the federal level, “One big election, and not much has changed.” But the House Education Committee chair John Kline, R-Minn., says “like a lot of other folks, [he’s] really bummed out that Indiana Superintendent Tony Bennett lost his race. In fact, Kline brought it up, unprompted. ‘I think Indiana made a bad mistake there,’ he said.” Politics K-12
Indiana GOP Leaders Losing Ever-loving Mind? – Jon Easter warns Democrats must protect the authority of state superintendent-elect Glenda Ritz so state Republicans don’t use their General Assembly supermajority to strip her of her powers. Indy Democrat
Voters embrace education reform locally, but not in state race – “Tuesday’s election saw three reform-minded IPS board candidates—Gayle Cosby, Caitlin Hannon and Sam Odle—win their races by sizeable margins. Another candidate, reform-minded incumbent Diane Arnold, ran unopposed.” Indianapolis Business Journal
College readiness starts in preschool – “To prepare young people for higher education, colleges and universities should work with local schools and community partners to reach children of all ages, the task force recommends.” Community College Spotlight
Voters Reject Referendum for Early Childhood Education in Bartholomew County – “No one out there wants parents of 4-year-olds not to have options, we’re just not sure it’s a program the public should pay for,” an opponent told the Columbus Republic. Indiana Tax Reporter