
Education, From The Capitol To The Classroom

Indy Star: Kennedy Trumps Ballard On Education In Mayor's Race

    Who’s got the edge on education in the Indianapolis mayor’s race? Republican incumbent Greg Ballard? Or, as an Indy Star editorial proclaims, Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy?

    “[Kennedy] owns the issue of education. Republicans initially mocked her for focusing on an issue that many past mayors have been hesitant to engage. But unlike her critics, Kennedy clearly understood the potency and importance of the issue. It could be the issue that defines this race, and Kennedy has fully embraced it from Day One, offering a smart plan to invest in early childhood education. As I’ve often written, Ballard has done many things right as mayor. But he’s largely been missing in action until recently from the debate over the city’s traditional public schools. His boastful statements in Tuesday’s debate claiming otherwise were both exaggerations and laughable.”

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