
Education, From The Capitol To The Classroom

Could Purdue Go Private?

    I think one could argue the Associated Press buries the lead here: Purdue has run the numbers on how it could become a private university — an idea that has been informally pitched to (and shot down by) Indiana lawmakers:

    “The concept isn’t as far-fetched as it might sound. The ‘gradual privatization of public universities’ has become the topic of frank discussions in Michigan, Colorado, California and Oregon as the economy continues to struggle, said Diane Viacava, a public finance analyst at Moody’s Investors Service in New York, who follows both IU and Purdue. ‘That is a trend that we have seen and will continue to see,’ she said. ‘The states are reducing their support for their public universities, and that’s going to continue, especially as they’re wrestling with their budgets.'”

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