The Daily Report Card: Tuition Increases, Alternative Schools, STEM Careers
Cost of attending college giving students, parents sticker shock – “At both the University of Southern Indiana and the University of Evansville, the net price — a figure calculated by adding up the total cost of in-state tuition and fees, and then backing out average financial aid — increased about 9 percent from the fall of 2008 to the fall of 2010.” Evansville Courier & Press
—Rich Padgett, assistant principal
Union County board OKs new alternative school program – “An alternative school will fill a void for students who don’t fit in traditional school, assistant high school principal Rich Padgett said.” Richmond Palladium-Item
Programming with 3rd graders – “I told the students that computers only understand simple instructions, like step forward and turn left. So I partnered up the students, and I had one act as the programmer, and the other act as the computer. The programmer was to tell the computer what to do but they could only use the commands ‘step’ (which meant take one step forward) and ‘turn’ (which meant turn one quarter turn left).” 21st Century Educator
Does Computer Engineering Barbie Discourage Girls From Pursuing Math and Science? – “We live in a world where reknowned engineer Limor Fried having her hair and makeup professionally done for the cover of Wired caused controversy—there’s certainly a perception that women who are good at math and science are trying out for a pocket protector-wearing, all-female cast of Revenge of the Nerds.” GOOD
How to integrate literacy with STEM – “Clearly, budding scientists and engineers can’t comprehend complex texts if they can’t read. At the same time, science and math have the potential to engage youngsters, encouraging them to read more.” The Answer Sheet