Morning Bell: Gun Control, School Security, Migrant Workers, Ritz Appointments
College Presidents Call for Stricter Gun Laws – “In their letter, the presidents state that, as a group, they do not oppose gun ownership outright. But in many states, legislation has been proposed or introduced that would make gun possession legal on college campuses. ‘We oppose such laws,’ the letter states.” The presidents of eight Indiana schools —Calumet College of St. Joseph, De Pauw University, Hanover College, Manchester University, Saint Mary’s College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, University of Evansville and Wabash College — were among those who signed the letter. The Ticker
Sheriff wants additional deputies for school patrol – “If funded, full-time deputies would be assigned to the Otter Creek, Honey Creek and West Vigo middle school districts, Ewing said, to provide security to those middle schools and the seven elementary schools that feed them.” Terre Haute Tribune-Star
Feds question Indiana’s efforts to educate migrant workers’ children – “Indiana never spent millions of dollars the federal government provided to help make sure the children of migrant workers get a good education, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Education.” Lafayette Journal and Courier
No union takeover at Dept. of Ed – “While it’s true that Ritz was president of her school district’s ISTA affiliate and a plaintiff in the school-voucher lawsuit, any argument that she’s a puppet of the union loses steam with news of her top administrative appointments.” Fort Wayne Journal Gazette