Morning Bell: A-F Grades Make Statewide Headlines

Elle Moxley / StateImpact Indiana
State superintendent Tony Bennett speaks during the State Board of Education's meeting on Wednesday morning. State education officials unveiled the state's A-F school letter grades at the meeting.
Find your school’s A-F rating by taking a loot at our searchable tables. You can also watch our video to find out more about the new grading model. But the headlines from South Bend, Muncie, Fort Wayne, Evansville, Gary, Indianapolis and Terre Haute say it all:
Some Catholic schools plan to tweak strategies after grades drop – South Bend Tribune
West Vigo Elementary teachers stressed, discouraged by school’s F – Terre Haute Tribune Star
A to F school accountability grades not as scary as expected – Indy Star
Muncie schools fare poorly on ‘report card’ – Muncie Star Press
Schools take grades with grain of salt – Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
State gives failing acountability grade to 15 EVSC schools – Evansville Courier & Press
State grades schools; majority in region gets A or B – Times of Northwest Indiana