Our democracy depends on citizens who can identify valid information, analyze multiple viewpoints, and act upon their understandings ethically. Our beautiful democracy, while imperfect, does demand that we make available to all an education at public expense. The truth is, we all benefit from an educated citizenry, and we all suffer when some are not capable of contributing productively to our communities. As such, public education remains a cornerstone of our democracy and must be supported accordingly.
A commitment to educating all children is a tall order. Public schools continue to be a place where children of any social class, any religion, any national origin, any race, any sexual orientation, any gender identity, and any ability potentially come together to interact and learn with one another. Public schools continue to be a place where our democracy has its best chance for survival. While many in our country want to lay the blame for all social ills at the schoolhouse door, they neglect to see the realities of its vast undertaking and the importance of its role in the unique American experiment.
Public education is the heart and soul of who we are. Where inadequate funding from the state legislature leaves off, our local communities must step in. Six years ago our community passed a referendum to increase our property taxes to support the Monroe County Community School Corporation. In the coming election we must decide whether or not to re-affirm that support for teachers, programs, and resources for our local schools. The way we vote on school referendums reflects our recognition of the need for an educated citizenry to maintain our American democracy, and our understanding that our public schools remain the best place for that vision to be pursued. For WFIU’s Speak Your Mind, this is Angela Lexmond.