ISIS – Speak Your Mind Speak Your Mind from WFIU Mon, 20 Mar 2017 13:00:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Just another Indiana Public Media weblog ISIS – Speak Your Mind ISIS – Speak Your Mind (ISIS – Speak Your Mind) Copyright © Speak Your Mind 2010 Speak Your Mind from WFIU ISIS – Speak Your Mind Avoiding World War IV Thu, 24 Dec 2015 14:00:44 +0000 Donald Trump’s call to bar Muslims from entering the United States has rightly stirred outrage. What is unthinkable today could too easily become reality at some point in the future, especially in response to unforeseen events. Already some of Mr. Trump’s rivals have made outrageous proposals of their own, such as Senator Ted Cruz’s that only Christian refugees from Syria should be admitted.

President Obama reminded the nation that the United States is not at war with Islam, but only with violent fundamentalism. Such fundamentalism is not only Islamist — witness the recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.

Hawks want to declare World War IV against what they call “Islamic radicalism” and use ground U.S. troops to destroy the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. But I.S.I.S. arose in response to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and even if we eradicated I.S.I.S., we should expect it to metastasize. Meanwhile, the drain on the nation’s lives and budget would be immense.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Western triumphalists claimed that there henceforth would be no alternative to global capitalism with a veneer of liberal democracy. But our destruction of a secular — if highly imperfect — alternative (namely, Communism and even socialism) left few outlets other than religious extremism. As global climate change and economic globalization put great strains on people, we can expect more violent challenges, unless we make space for truly democratic alternatives to the current economic and military world order.

]]> 0 We can expect more violent challenges unless we make space for truly democratic alternatives to the current economic and military world order. We can expect more violent challenges unless we make space for truly democratic alternatives to the current economic and military world order. ISIS – Speak Your Mind 2:00
Paris and Liberal Values Tue, 24 Nov 2015 14:00:27 +0000 Two conclusions, both with some truth, have emerged from the Paris terrorist attacks: that ISIS must be destroyed and that we must stop admitting refugees from countries such as Syria. But we also need to recognize a third and more difficult one: that we have, as a Wall Street Journal writer recently wrote, too much tolerance for intolerance.

Yes, the cycles of warfare and despotism in the Middle East have been a breeding ground for beliefs that motivate people to do horrible deeds. But no one seems to have the knowledge or will to take the steps needed to pacify and establish legitimate governments in the region.

Yes, many of the nation’s Governors have warned, and Federal authorities know, resettling refugees from war-torn regions to the United States is risky. But traditions, laws, and humanitarian instincts, here and elsewhere, mean that restrictive immigration policies are not likely to get very far, no matter how much anxious publics want them.

In any case, such policies would create a false sense of security. For the attacks in Paris, as well as those recently in the United States, were largely the work of home-grown extremists, legal residents, part of the societies in which they lived. However, they used the liberal values these countries embrace – freedom of speech, religion, privacy rights, and the like – to pursue decidedly illiberal ends.

Neither military action abroad nor tougher immigration rules at home will prevent that. If they want to avoid a repeat of what happened in Paris, the United States, France and other countries will once again have to confront the challenge of deciding how much freedom more security is worth.


Bret Stephens, “The Islamist Tantrum,” The Wall Street Journal, November 16, 2015.

Michael Schmidt et. al., “ U. S. Investigators Struggle to Track Homegrown ISIS Suspects,” The New York Times, November 19, 2015.

]]> 0 To avoid a repeat of the Paris attacks, France and the US will once again have to confront the challenge of deciding how much freedom more security is worth. To avoid a repeat of the Paris attacks, France and the US will once again have to confront the challenge of deciding how much freedom more security is worth. ISIS – Speak Your Mind 2:04
Unintended Consequences In Syria Thu, 12 Nov 2015 14:00:26 +0000 In his announcement that he will not run for President, Vice President Joe Biden stated his core beliefs. Among them was an observation about foreign policy: “We’ve learned some very hard lessons from more than a decade of large-scale, open-ended military invasions.… The argument that we just have to do something when bad people do bad things isn’t good enough.”

Biden’s words were directed at the current front runners in both parties. Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio want to send more arms to the “moderate” rebels against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and to establish a no-fly zone that would bar the Syrian air force from controlling part of Syrian air space, in order to protect not only civilians but also armed combatants against the Assad regime.

Clinton and Rubio have the righteousness that is legitimized by the manifest brutality of the Assad regime, which has used chemical weapons against its own people. But so did Iraqi President Saddam Hussein; yet regime change unleashed sectarian strife, including ISIS. Rather than strengthening Syrian moderates, U.S. arms would likely wind up falling into the hands of ISIS and al Qaeda. A no-fly zone could involve a clash with Russia, which is supporting Assad. Rubio and Clinton take a tough tone toward Russian President Vladimir Putin as well, without saying how far they would go. And that invites unpredictable escalation.

A diplomatic solution must involve everyone, friend and foe. It will be far from perfect. Everything else would be much worse.


]]> 0 The brutality of the Assad regime seems to warrant military action. But it's worth remembering that in Iraq, regime change unleashed sectarian strife. The brutality of the Assad regime seems to warrant military action. But it's worth remembering that in Iraq, regime change unleashed sectarian strife. ISIS – Speak Your Mind 1:54
Taking Exception To Obama’s American Exceptionalism Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:36:18 +0000 Last week, President Obama outlined his strategy for combatting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria–ISIS. Despite its brevity, there’s plenty to take exception to in the President’s speech.

Obama is right to condemn the Islamic State’s brutality. But ISIS doesn’t have a monopoly on savagery. Thirteen years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States’ brutal, costly, and counter-productive “war on terror” has enveloped the entire Middle East. Doubling down on his predecessor’s war crimes, Obama’s drone campaign has exacted hundreds of civilian casualties. Taking the lives of innocents by remote control doesn’t make killing any less barbaric.

Adding insult to injury, Obama invoked the names of James Foley and Steven Sotloff – the two American journalists beheaded by ISIS – in a cynical effort to promote perpetual war. Obama’s sympathy for the slain journalists belies his administration’s habitual abuse of the Espionage Act to intimidate whistleblowers and wage war on journalists. So much for Obama’s “principled” defense of journalists and press freedom.

Most galling of all, Obama concluded his speech by quoting a civilian, recently “trapped on a distant mountain,” who praised America’s so-called humanitarian intervention in Northern Iraq. Would that Obama, the war hawks in Washington, and the mainstream media actually listened to civilians – from Yemen and Somalia to Pakistan and Afghanistan – who routinely denounce American exceptionalism, and the brutality that so often accompanies it.

For Speak Your Mind, this is Kevin Howley.


Downie, L. Jr. & Rafsky, S. (2013, October 10). Leak investigations and surveillance in post-9/11 America. Committee to Protect Journalists.

Ridley, Y. (2012, May 12). Bush convicted of war crimes in absentia. Foreign Policy Journal.

Serle, J. (2014, March 12). Countries must investigate civilian drone death claims, says UN investigator Ben Emmerson. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Solomon, N. (2014, August 4). Journalism groups rally around petition supporting James Risen. Columbia Journalism Review.

Thousands protest US drone war in Pakistan. (2013, November 25). Democracy Now!

]]> 0 Obama is right to condemn the Islamic State’s brutality. But ISIS doesn’t have a monopoly on savagery. Obama is right to condemn the Islamic State’s brutality. But ISIS doesn’t have a monopoly on savagery. ISIS – Speak Your Mind 1:35
Who’s To Blame For ISIS? Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:00:19 +0000 In a recent interview in The Atlantic, Hillary Clinton blames the rise of ISIS on President Obama’s “failure” to arm the so-called moderate Syrian opposition. She also takes a tough line on nuclear negotiations with Iran, offers unqualified support to Israel in its recent war in Gaza, and takes the President to task for his maxim “Don’t do stupid stuff” expressing caution about military intervention.

Mr. Obama decided not to provide more arms to the moderate Syrian rebels precisely because he was rightly concerned that these weapons might well fall into the hands of ISIS.

The current chaos in Iraq, Syria, and beyond is a consequence of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which Hillary Clinton supported and Barack Obama opposed.

In its first decree, the American occupation ordered that all public sector employees affiliated with the Ba’ath Party were to be removed from their positions and to be banned from any future employment in the public sector. This effectively disenfranchised huge numbers of Iraq’s Sunnis, who were the core of the old regime. The new government was Shiite and sectarian. Until these deeper political issues are addressed, ISIS will find support even among those who deplore its brutality.

It is not President Obama, but the Neoconservatives who planned the invasion of Iraq before the September 11th attacks, whom Hillary Clinton should be blaming. She might add a word of remorse for her own role.


The Atlantic

The Guardian


On De-Ba’athification


The Nation

]]> 2 The current chaos in Iraq, Syria, and beyond is a consequence of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which Hillary Clinton supported and Barack Obama opposed. The current chaos in Iraq, Syria, and beyond is a consequence of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which Hillary Clinton supported and Barack Obama opposed. ISIS – Speak Your Mind 1:53