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Sunshine Egg Cups

baked tortilla shell with eggs, tomatoes, green onions, and sour cream

Every once in a while I think ahead and I make several breakfast items to last the week and freeze them. It is quick and easy, and my oldest son can just grab something that looks good and heat it up. I like knowing that they have started their day off with something more substantial in their bellies than a sugary cereal.

Some of our morning favorites are buckwheat pancakes, baked oatmeal, smoothies and egg wraps. My youngest, with his diverse palate, prefers a black bean, brown rice and egg wrap on most days. If you cook the eggs ahead of time, prep is a snap!

Sometimes, on the weekends when I have more time, I like to make mini quiches. I can make an individual one for each member of my family with their favorite add-ins. This particular one here is my take on the classic quiche: I like to call it 'Quiche for Kids.'

Talk about easy and most of all -- cheap!  I use leftover bacon (optional) and small taco-sized tortillas along with 4 eggs. Best of all I get my eggs from a friend of mine that lives nearby and her chickens produce way more than her family can eat.

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