Columbus, Indiana: Different by Design Text Versions Links Home
1942 1954 1957 1964 1967 1969 1970 1971 - not yet available

Links to Columbus and Architecture sites

Important: Using all but the first of the following links will take you outside WTIU's web site, and we cannot control the content of any of these pages. If you are under the age of 18 and are asked to provide any personal information, be sure to get an adult to help you decide if it's OK.

Columbus, Indiana: Different by Design The promotional site for WTIU's documentary on the history of architecture in Columbus, Indiana. Includes a program description and how to purchase a videotape.

Discover Columbus, Indiana This site, maintained by the Columbus Area Visitors Center, includes an Architecture section where you can read more about the city and its buildings, and a list of Architectural Links.

The Columbus, Indiana city government web site

• The Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce

A Kid's Columbus A kid-oriented tour with lots of photos of fun Columbus architecture.

The American Architectural Foundation's Education Pages Teachers can access curriculum supplements on architecture and design. Materials are available online to print, or can be ordered free. Great ideas on how studying architecture can be applied to art, science, and history lessons for children in grades K - 8.

Frank Lloyd Wright The web site for the PBS program.


© 2002 The Trustees of Indiana University • Comments: WTIU Webmaster Web site creditsWTIU

Production of Columbus, Indiana: Different by Design was made possible by the generous support of
The Columbus Area Visitors CenterColumbus Container, Inc.The Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation
The Heritage Fund of Bartholomew County, Inc. • The Columbus Economic Development Board • Cummins Inc.
Frank Adams, Jr. and Associates • Johnson Ventures, Inc. • Kramer Furniture and Cabinet Maker • Textillery Weavers
and by an Historic Preservation Education Grant from the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana,
the Indiana Humanities Council, and the National Endowment for the Humanities