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Moment of Indiana History

Archive for December 2008

December 1, 2008


I ride a bike, and I vote

Grassroots organizing. Alternative transportation. Greenways and parks. Many components of contemporary political campaigns seem to have been borrowed from the platforms and strategies that worked well in Indiana in the 1890’s.

December 8, 2008


A fruit by any other name…the “Indiana banana”

Although found in twenty six eastern states, the pawpaw tree might be particularly beloved to Hoosiers for the colloquial names given to its fruit. Known alternately as the “Indiana banana,” or the “Hoosier banana,” the tree Asimina triloba produces the largest edible tree fruit native to the U.S. The only temperate relative of a tropical […]

December 15, 2008


Tailor-made forests…the Singer Cabinet Works

Time was, a squirrel could cross Indiana by jumping from one tree to another, without touching the ground. Or so the legend goes.

December 22, 2008


Riding the rails, back to South Bend…Schuyler Colfax

The global economic crisis of 2008 has been traced to a range of factors from market deregulation to massive inflation in the price of commodities.

December 30, 2008


Making a deal, under a tree…

Given the drastic transformation of Indiana’s landscape over the course of its settlement, it seems unlikely that a single tree might serve as a bridge from the seventeenth century to the present.

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